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In Between Missions| Day In The Life

Writer's picture: Angel Angel

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

I am an author, an illustrator, a nonprofit owner, and a mom to three little girls. I have a six-year-old, a four-year-old, and a three-year-old.

I wake up at 6:40 AM and get dressed in leggings and an oversized comfy t-shirt.

At 7:00 AM, I have my oldest logged into her online school and get her started on her English assignment. While the English lesson is ongoing, I make the girls a bowl of cereal, let the dogs out, get the dogs and cats breakfast, and start on the mountain of laundry acquired from the previous day.

Usually, my daughter finishes her English assignment by 7:45 AM. Then she starts on her reading lesson, which she is required to do independently for 30mins. So while she works on her independent work, I do my morning devotional.

Once she finishes independent work, we start the first live class with her English teacher, which I have to attend since she is in Kindergarten. During the course, I help her participate, ensure all the class videos are playing at the right time, and help her log into live class assignments. I am like an assistant teacher.

English class ends at 9:15 AM, and then I make all three girls a snack and make myself breakfast. After snack, I start the Math assignment for my six-year-old and help her navigate workbook activities. After Math, she starts Social Studies.

Social Studies does not have a teacher video; therefore, I have to read and explain the lesson to my daughter and then make sure she completes the assignments. (Social Studies, Science, and Music rotate throughout the week and are not assigned each day.)

After Social Studies, I have my daughter start her Phonic lesson, which does have a teacher video.

While my daughter watches the teacher video, I have my four-year-old work on her handwriting, answer her daily questions, and do her sight words. I then have my four-year-old and three-year-old practice their ABCs and Numbers. My four-year-old counts to 100, and my three-year-old counts to 10. Then we do our morning activity which changes daily. (Monday- Spanish, Tuesday- English, Wednesday- Spanish Workbook, Thursday- Math, Friday- Art.) After the morning activity, we change the calendar and read two books. By the time my four-year-old and three-year-old have completed those activities, the teacher video for my six-year-old is complete. I then have to make myself available to my six-year-old if she has questions about her Phonic assignments. After the Phonic lesson, she then practices reading for 30 mins and practices math for 30 mins (both I help her navigate.) Then she learns her sight words for that month and counts to 100. She typically finishes all this work by 11:00 AM and then has a break.

Fall Art Project

I then have my four- and three-year-old spend 30 mins working in Khan Academy Kids, a great preschool app for homeschooled kids.

Then I have the two little girls start quiet time, watching a movie and taking a nap. During quiet time I eat my lunch, and if I have time take a walk (my husband also works from home, so he can watch the girls while I do this.) Then at noon, my six-year-old has live Math class with her teacher. Once again, I am required to attend and act as the assistant teacher. Math ends at 12:45 PM, and I make all three girls' lunches. After lunch, my kids have time to play/earn P.E. hours, and I try to get some work done for my nonprofit Vocal Survivors. I create social media content, send emails, set up events or fundraisers, pick up donations, prepare for team meetings, and create blog posts. When I come to a stopping point for the nonprofit work, I start cleaning up the kitchen, finishing up the laundry, picking up the bedrooms, and preparing dinner. Once dinner, my husband gets off work (5 PM), and I usually have a "break" to shower and decompress from the day. Then the girls settle down by 6 PM and must be in bed by 7:30 PM. Once the girls are in bed, I can finish up any nonprofit work or housework that I need to finish and watch a show with my husband. I act like an old lady and am usually asleep by 9:30 PM or 10 PM! That is my typical weekday in between missions! THANKS FOR READING!

If you have kids, please check out my book, A Quest for Human Kindness. It teaches kids about the Golden Rule. Also, check out Vocal Survivors and share it! We are a nonprofit organization that travels around North Carolina, delivering care packages to social groups in need.

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Saturday 10am-2pm EST, Closed on Sundays and Holidays
© 2022-25 by Vocal Survivors of North Carolina Corp. Wix

P.O. Box 25

Richlands, NC 28574

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