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Writer's pictureYoung In

Thank You| Christmas Drop Boxes

This past December, Vocal Survivors launched our first Christmas Drop Boxes. Boxes were distributed to three locations across North Carolina by three team members YoungIn, Angel, and Randi. This year's Drop Box dedication was to our Current Focus group, the Unhoused.

The Growing Years Learning Center

Section written by: YoungIn

In December 2022, Vocal Survivors partnered with The Growing Years Learning Center in Apex to collect items for our current focus group, the Unhoused. Our Christmas drop box

was set up from December 1, 2022 through January 2, 2023 and it was a private donation box for the families that attend this childcare Center.

We received the following donation items:

- 6 blankets

- 3 boxes of snacks

- 2 water bottles

Thank you The Growing Years Learning Center for this wonderful opportunity. This was our first time working with this center and we are looking forward to continued partnerships in the future!

Sneads Ferry Quality Childcare & Preschool

Section written by: Angel

Vocal Survivors has worked with Sneads Ferry Quality Childcare & Preschool in the past (Trunk or Treat 2022), so this was our second time working with this organization. The Preschool is a private location; therefore, only people associated with the school could participate in the Drop Box. We requested travel pillows, McDonald's gift cards, book bags, and scarves/gloves/winter hats. The Box was set up on December 1, 2022 and picked up on

January 2, 2023, and the Preschool provided generous donations. From this Drop Box, Vocal Survivors was able to collect:

  • Five $10 McDonald's gift cards.

  • 13 winter hats.

  • Three scarves.

  • Four sets of gloves.

  • Two high-quality book bags.

We want to say THANK YOU to Sneads Ferry Quality Childcare & Preschool! As always, it was a joy working with you, and we hope to maintain our positive relationship with you in the future. Thank you for your hospitality and compassion, and thank you for giving back to those less fortunate.

Roberta United Methodist Church

Section written by: Randi

I was welcomed with open arms by Roberta United Methodist Church to place my

drop box in their front lobby. Roberta United Methodist is familiar with Vocal Survivors, as we have volunteered with them before. During Halloween, we had the fun of participating in their Trunk or Treat, and were able to spread some awareness with the goodie bags we passed out. Not to mention, the pastor and his wife participated in our launch day t-shirt campaign. Creating a drop off box is something I’ve never done before, and to be honest I was nervous of what we people would be willing to give, especially being so close to the holiday season. To my surprise, our box was filled with all kinds of items that could be used in our care packages! It was heart warming to see all that people had offered in hopes of helping those that are less fortunate.

In total, the items we received were:

  • 5 Floppy Fans

  • 17 travel sized Conditioners

  • 2 packs of tissues

  • 2 packs of facial wipes

  • 20 travel sized lotions

  • 16 travel sized shampoos

  • 10 hand sanitizers

  • 44 packs of dental floss

  • 17 travel sized body wash

  • 1 sewing kit

  • 1 set of plastic utensils

  • $32 in cash

  • 5 $10 McDonalds gift cards

  • 6 packs of bandaids

  • 4 tooth brushes

  • 15 travel sized tubes of tooth paste

  • 2 combs

  • 4 travel sized mouth wash bottles

  • 1 pack of razors

I am blown away at not only the generosity, but the love and compassion that was shown through the project of these drop off boxes.“If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your brother.” -

Deuteronomy 15:7

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.” –

Proverbs 19:17

The Bible teaches us to love and care for the poor and needy, not to shun them or ignore their distress. His word says to give generously from hearts, and that in turn our love and compassion will be rewarded in Heaven.


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